Case Study
3M #ColorMatters Global Go To Market Strategy & New Product Launch - Asus Zenbook NX500Challenge
Eddy Alexander (then called Eddy Communications Corporation) was hired to develop a clear, actionable, go-to market strategy that would generate new product sales and promote 3M’s role in the exceptional screen color quality of the ASUS NX500: the first commercial laptop to deliver 100 RGB and sRGB Color Spectrum.

They defined a clear target audience that had the right buyer values, budget, and technology adoption profile to fit this product launch, and they worked with the client to time the release just before the Christmas-buying season.
Once deployed, Eddy Alexander project-managed the entire 3M Color Matters campaign, developed and managed the earned media and paid promotion plans, coordinated all vendor activities, and tracked and assessed campaign analytics for client reporting.

“We take promotions and social media efforts around the 3M brand seriously. Working with Eddy Communications has been wonderful. They quickly understood our objectives and determined the means to track results. They anticipated our concerns and quickly laid out a path to a successful campaign.”